Wednesday 12.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

reciprocal recycling

02 Feb 2020 / 13:57
Interior Minister opens ΄New Generation Recycling΄ in Ioannina

IOANNINA. Interior Minister Takis Theodorikakos opened the pilot programme ΄New Generation Recycling΄, in which five Municipalities are participating, in Ioannina.

06 Dec 2019 / 09:26
Method of collecting recyclable materials in Greece is changing

ATHENS - PALLINI. Municipal Councillor Spyros Neratzis represented Corfu at the launch of the first production unit for Reverse Vending Machines under the aegis of the American Embassy.

28 Mar 2019 / 00:00
Reciprocal Recycling: Presentation to businesses by Social Cooperative Enterprise ΄All Together΄

CORFU. Thursday 28 March at 20:00 at the Labour Centre.

21 Mar 2019 / 10:51
"All Together for the Corfu Environment" - The new reciprocal recycling kiosks are coming

CORFU. Spyros Neratzis from the Social Cooperative Enterprise "All Together for the Corfu Environment" held a press conference on Thursday.

07 Mar 2019 / 07:30
Reciprocal Recycling ATMs coming to Corfu!

CORFU. On Friday the Social Cooperative Enterprise "All Together for the Corfu Environment" will sign a collaborative agreement with the company Reciprocal Recycling S.A.

04 Mar 2019 / 09:37
Meropi Ydraiou: "We can do this too"

THESSALONIKI. The Corfu Mayoral candidate Meropi Ydraiou attended the opening of the Environmental Education & Reciprocal Recycling Park in Lagada, Thessaloniki.